CloudMigrator Project Statistics

A guide to using the project statistics page within CloudMigrator.

CloudMigrator Project Statistics

The projects statistics page will give you live detailed statistics for the selected project/domain as well allowing you to get an estimate for how long it will take to migrate.

If you are currently running a migration on a lower version than you will get partial statistics. The current version of CloudMigrator can be found in the bottom right-hand corner of the site.

Newly created projects will get full statistics.

When you first arrive at this page you will be given a brief overview of the project/domain. By clicking the 'Try new design' you will be presented with the following.

Project Statistics is broken down into the following four areas.

Migration Summary

Gives you live statistics as the migration progresses. In this section, you can see the following:

  • Users : the total number of users migrated to the selected domain from the first ever migration.
  • Success rate : average success rate for all migrations to this domain.
  • Speed : is an average speed calculated every 10 minutes.
  • Running time : total running time of all migrations to this domain
Migration Summary

Estimate the length of your migration and get live updates as the migration progresses. View transfer speeds for data and items as they are migrated.

The estimate is calculated using the current speed of your migration and the total data amount you have entered in the 'Size to Migrate' text box.

Its only possible to estimate when your speed is greater than zero.

Data Progress

Shows the volume of data that has been migrated for the migration. View individual user volumes/items by clicking on the 'User Progress' link.

Item Progress
Item Progress

Shows you a summary of the item types being migrated depending on the platform and the item types selected. View individual user volumes/items by clicking on the 'User Progress' link.

Item Progress