Domain Address Replacements
Domain Replacements
When using CloudMigrator and your source and destination domains are different, you should specify both domains in the source and destination domain names fields on the general migration settings page. This allows CloudMigrator to map email accounts one to one from the source to the destination.
For example, if the source is and the destination is, an email address of will be mapped to and all permissions associated will be migrated to the new user account.
Address Replacements
In some cases, a user's email address will be different on the destination domain to what it is on the source domain. For example this might occur when a new email format is being enforced, ie. on the source and on the destination. The Address Replacements field in the advanced section of the general migration settings allows you to tell CloudMigrator about these changes to your user's email addresses.
You can import a CSV file containing these address replacements by uploading it in the address replacements section.